From mathcomp
Require Import all_ssreflect.
From chip
Require Import extra connect acyclic closure check change hierarchical.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Section ChangedHierarchical.
Variables (A_top : eqType) (A_bot : eqType).
Variables (U' : finType) (V' : finType).
Variables (f'_top : U' -> A_top) (f'_bot : V' -> A_bot).
Variables (P_top : pred U') (P_bot : pred V').
Local Notation U := (sig_finType P_top).
Local Notation V := (sig_finType P_bot).
Variables (g'_top : rel U') (g'_bot : rel V').
Local Notation g'_top_rev := [rel x y | g'_top y x].
Local Notation g'_bot_rev := [rel x y | g'_bot y x].
Variables (f_top : U -> A_top) (f_bot : V -> A_bot).
Variables (g_top : rel U) (g_bot : rel V).
Local Notation g_top_rev := [rel x y | g_top y x].
Local Notation g_bot_rev := [rel x y | g_bot y x].
Variables (checkable' : pred V') (checkable : pred V).
Variable R : eqType.
Variables (check : V -> R) (check' : V' -> R).
Variables (p : U -> {set V}) (p' : U' -> {set V'}).
Hypothesis p_neq : forall (u u' : U), u <> u' -> p u <> p u'.
Hypothesis p'_neq : forall (u u' : U'), u <> u' -> p' u <> p' u'.
Hypothesis p_partition : partition (\bigcup_( u | u \in U ) [set p u]) [set: V].
Hypothesis p'_partition : partition (\bigcup_( u | u \in U' ) [set p' u]) [set: V'].
Hypothesis g_bot_top : forall (v v' : V) (u u' : U),
u <> u' -> g_bot v v' -> v \in p u -> v' \in p u' -> g_top u u'.
Hypothesis f_top_partition : forall (u : U),
f_top u = f'_top (val u) -> [set val v | v in p u] = p' (val u).
Hypothesis f_top_bot : forall (u : U),
f_top u = f'_top (val u) -> forall (v : V), v \in p u -> f_bot v = f'_bot (val v).
Local Notation insub_g_top x y := (insub_g g_top x y).
Local Notation g_top_U' := [rel x y : U' | insub_g_top x y].
Local Notation g_top_U'_rev := [rel x y | g_top_U' y x].
Local Notation insub_g_bot x y := (insub_g g_bot x y).
Local Notation g_bot_V' := [rel x y : V' | insub_g_bot x y].
Local Notation g_bot_V'_rev := [rel x y | g_bot_V' y x].
Hypothesis f_top_equal_g_top :
forall u, f_top u = f'_top (val u) -> forall u', g_top_U' (val u) u' = g'_top (val u) u'.
Hypothesis f_bot_equal_g_bot :
forall v, f_bot v = f'_bot (val v) -> forall v', g_bot_V' (val v) v' = g'_bot (val v) v'.
Hypothesis checkable_bot :
forall v, f_bot v = f'_bot (val v) -> checkable v = checkable' (val v).
Hypothesis check_bot :
forall v, checkable v -> checkable' (val v) ->
(forall v', connect g_bot_V' (val v) v' = connect g'_bot (val v) v') ->
(forall v', connect g_bot_V' (val v) (val v') -> f_bot v' = f'_bot (val v')) ->
check v = check' (val v).
Variable V_result_cert : seq (V * R).
Hypothesis V_result_certP :
forall v r, reflect (checkable v /\ check v = r) ((v,r) \in V_result_cert).
Hypothesis V_result_cert_uniq : uniq [seq vr.1 | vr <- V_result_cert].
Definition V'_result_filter_cert_p :=
[seq (val vr.1, vr.2) | vr <- V_result_cert & val vr.1 \notin pimpacted_V' f'_top g_top f_top p'].
Definition check_all_cert_p :=
check_pimpacted_V'_cert f'_top g_top f_top checkable' check' p' ++ V'_result_filter_cert_p.
Definition check_all_cert_V'_p :=
[seq vr.1 | vr <- check_all_cert_p].
Lemma check_all_cert_complete_p :
forall (v : V'), checkable' v -> v \in check_all_cert_V'_p.
move => v Hc.
have H_sp := (insubP [subType of V] v).
destruct H_sp.
- have Hv: v \notin freshV' P_bot.
move => Hv.
move/freshV'P: Hv => Hv.
move/negP: (Hv u) => Hv'.
case: Hv'.
by apply/eqP.
case Hv': (v \in pimpacted_V' f'_top g_top f_top p').
* move/idP: Hv'.
exists (v, check' v); last by [].
rewrite mem_cat.
by apply/check_pimpacted_V'_certP.
* move/negP/negP: Hv'.
exists (v, check u); last by [].
rewrite mem_cat.
exists (u, check u); last by rewrite /= e.
rewrite mem_filter.
apply/andP; split; first by rewrite e.
split => //.
suff H_suff: f_bot u = f'_bot (val u) by rewrite checkable_bot //= e.
move => Hu.
move/negPn: Hv'.
apply: pimpacted_V'_impactedV'; eauto.
split => //.
exists u; last by [].
by exists u.
- have Hv: v \in freshV' P_bot.
rewrite -sub_freshV'.
move/negP: i => Hp.
apply/negP => Hs.
case: Hp.
have H_sp := (insubP [subType of V] v).
move: Hs.
by destruct H_sp.
exists (v, check' v) => //.
rewrite mem_cat.
split => //; split => //.
move: Hv.
by apply: pimpacted_V'_fresh; eauto.
Lemma check_all_cert_sound_p :
forall (v : V') (r : R), (v,r) \in check_all_cert_p ->
checkable' v /\ check' v = r.
move => v r.
rewrite mem_cat.
move/orP; case.
- move/mapP => [v' Hc].
case =>->->.
split => //.
move: Hc.
rewrite mem_enum in_set.
by move/andP => [Hp Hc].
- move/mapP.
case; case => v' r' Hvr Hvr'.
move: Hvr' Hvr.
case =>->->.
rewrite mem_filter.
move/andP => /= [Hp Hv].
have Hv': val v' \notin impactedV' f'_bot f_bot g_bot.
apply/negP => Hv'.
move/negP: Hp.
by apply: pimpacted_V'_impactedV'; eauto.
have Hf: val v' \notin freshV' P_bot.
apply/negP => Hf.
move/negP: Hp.
by apply: pimpacted_V'_fresh; eauto.
apply: check_all_cert_sound; eauto.
rewrite mem_cat.
exists (v', r'); last by [].
rewrite mem_filter.
apply/andP; split => //.
rewrite /=.
apply/negP => Hi.
move/impactedV'P: Hv'.
by left.
Lemma check_all_cert_V'_uniq_p : uniq check_all_cert_V'_p.
rewrite map_inj_in_uniq.
- rewrite cat_uniq.
split; last (apply/andP; split).
* have Hu := check_pimpacted_V'_cert_uniq f'_top g_top f_top checkable' check' p'.
move: Hu.
exact: map_uniq.
* apply/negP.
move/hasP => [vr Hvr].
move/mapP: Hvr => [vr' Hvr'].
case: vr' Hvr' => v' r'.
rewrite mem_filter.
case: vr => /= v r.
move/andP => [Hv Hvr].
case => Hv'; move =>-> {r}.
move/mapP => [v0 Hv0].
case => Hvv0 Hr'.
rewrite mem_enum -Hvv0 in Hv0.
move/negP: Hv.
rewrite -Hv'.
move: Hv0.
rewrite in_set.
by move/andP => [Hp Hv0].
* have Hm := map_uniq V_result_cert_uniq.
rewrite map_inj_in_uniq; first by rewrite filter_uniq.
case => v1 r1.
case => v2 r2.
rewrite /= => Hv1 Hv2.
by move/val_inj =><-<-.
- case => v1 r1.
case => v2 r2.
rewrite /= 2!mem_cat.
case => Hv1; move/orP.
* case => Hv2 Hv.
+ move: Hv Hv1 Hv2 =><-.
move/mapP => [v1' Hv1' Hc1].
rewrite mem_enum in Hv1'.
case: Hc1 =><- Hr1.
move/mapP => [v2' Hv2' Hc2].
rewrite mem_enum in Hv2'.
case: Hc2 =><- Hr2.
by rewrite Hr1 Hr2.
+ move: Hv Hv1 Hv2 =><-.
move/mapP => [v1' Hv1' Hc1].
case: Hc1 Hv1' =><-.
rewrite mem_enum => Hc.
rewrite in_set.
move/andP => [Hi H'c].
move/mapP => [v' Hv' Heq].
case: v' Hv' Heq => v2' r2'.
rewrite mem_filter.
move/andP => [Hv2' HV].
case => Hv1 Hr2.
rewrite /= in Hv2'.
move/negP: Hv2'.
by rewrite -Hv1.
* case => Hv2 Hv.
+ move: Hv Hv1 Hv2.
move =><-.
move/mapP => [v1' Hv1' Hc1].
case: v1' Hc1 Hv1' => v1' r1'.
case =>->->.
rewrite mem_filter.
move/andP => [Hi H'c].
move/mapP => [v' Hv' Heq].
case: Heq Hv'.
rewrite mem_enum.
move =><-->.
move => Hc.
move/negP: Hi.
rewrite in_set in Hc.
by move/andP: Hc => [Hi Hc].
+ move: Hv1 Hv2.
case; case => v1' r1'.
rewrite mem_filter.
move/andP => [Hi Hv'].
move => H_eq_v H_eq_r.
case; case => v2' r2'.
rewrite mem_filter.
move/andP => [Hi' Hv''].
case => H_eq_v' H_eq_r'.
rewrite Hv in H_eq_v, H_eq_v'.
rewrite H_eq_v in H_eq_v'.
apply val_inj in H_eq_v'.
rewrite -H_eq_v' in Hv''.
rewrite Hv H_eq_r H_eq_r'.
have Hu := uniq_prod_eq V_result_cert_uniq Hv' Hv''.
by rewrite -Hu.
End ChangedHierarchical.
Require Import all_ssreflect.
From chip
Require Import extra connect acyclic closure check change hierarchical.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Section ChangedHierarchical.
Variables (A_top : eqType) (A_bot : eqType).
Variables (U' : finType) (V' : finType).
Variables (f'_top : U' -> A_top) (f'_bot : V' -> A_bot).
Variables (P_top : pred U') (P_bot : pred V').
Local Notation U := (sig_finType P_top).
Local Notation V := (sig_finType P_bot).
Variables (g'_top : rel U') (g'_bot : rel V').
Local Notation g'_top_rev := [rel x y | g'_top y x].
Local Notation g'_bot_rev := [rel x y | g'_bot y x].
Variables (f_top : U -> A_top) (f_bot : V -> A_bot).
Variables (g_top : rel U) (g_bot : rel V).
Local Notation g_top_rev := [rel x y | g_top y x].
Local Notation g_bot_rev := [rel x y | g_bot y x].
Variables (checkable' : pred V') (checkable : pred V).
Variable R : eqType.
Variables (check : V -> R) (check' : V' -> R).
Variables (p : U -> {set V}) (p' : U' -> {set V'}).
Hypothesis p_neq : forall (u u' : U), u <> u' -> p u <> p u'.
Hypothesis p'_neq : forall (u u' : U'), u <> u' -> p' u <> p' u'.
Hypothesis p_partition : partition (\bigcup_( u | u \in U ) [set p u]) [set: V].
Hypothesis p'_partition : partition (\bigcup_( u | u \in U' ) [set p' u]) [set: V'].
Hypothesis g_bot_top : forall (v v' : V) (u u' : U),
u <> u' -> g_bot v v' -> v \in p u -> v' \in p u' -> g_top u u'.
Hypothesis f_top_partition : forall (u : U),
f_top u = f'_top (val u) -> [set val v | v in p u] = p' (val u).
Hypothesis f_top_bot : forall (u : U),
f_top u = f'_top (val u) -> forall (v : V), v \in p u -> f_bot v = f'_bot (val v).
Local Notation insub_g_top x y := (insub_g g_top x y).
Local Notation g_top_U' := [rel x y : U' | insub_g_top x y].
Local Notation g_top_U'_rev := [rel x y | g_top_U' y x].
Local Notation insub_g_bot x y := (insub_g g_bot x y).
Local Notation g_bot_V' := [rel x y : V' | insub_g_bot x y].
Local Notation g_bot_V'_rev := [rel x y | g_bot_V' y x].
Hypothesis f_top_equal_g_top :
forall u, f_top u = f'_top (val u) -> forall u', g_top_U' (val u) u' = g'_top (val u) u'.
Hypothesis f_bot_equal_g_bot :
forall v, f_bot v = f'_bot (val v) -> forall v', g_bot_V' (val v) v' = g'_bot (val v) v'.
Hypothesis checkable_bot :
forall v, f_bot v = f'_bot (val v) -> checkable v = checkable' (val v).
Hypothesis check_bot :
forall v, checkable v -> checkable' (val v) ->
(forall v', connect g_bot_V' (val v) v' = connect g'_bot (val v) v') ->
(forall v', connect g_bot_V' (val v) (val v') -> f_bot v' = f'_bot (val v')) ->
check v = check' (val v).
Variable V_result_cert : seq (V * R).
Hypothesis V_result_certP :
forall v r, reflect (checkable v /\ check v = r) ((v,r) \in V_result_cert).
Hypothesis V_result_cert_uniq : uniq [seq vr.1 | vr <- V_result_cert].
Definition V'_result_filter_cert_p :=
[seq (val vr.1, vr.2) | vr <- V_result_cert & val vr.1 \notin pimpacted_V' f'_top g_top f_top p'].
Definition check_all_cert_p :=
check_pimpacted_V'_cert f'_top g_top f_top checkable' check' p' ++ V'_result_filter_cert_p.
Definition check_all_cert_V'_p :=
[seq vr.1 | vr <- check_all_cert_p].
Lemma check_all_cert_complete_p :
forall (v : V'), checkable' v -> v \in check_all_cert_V'_p.
move => v Hc.
have H_sp := (insubP [subType of V] v).
destruct H_sp.
- have Hv: v \notin freshV' P_bot.
move => Hv.
move/freshV'P: Hv => Hv.
move/negP: (Hv u) => Hv'.
case: Hv'.
by apply/eqP.
case Hv': (v \in pimpacted_V' f'_top g_top f_top p').
* move/idP: Hv'.
exists (v, check' v); last by [].
rewrite mem_cat.
by apply/check_pimpacted_V'_certP.
* move/negP/negP: Hv'.
exists (v, check u); last by [].
rewrite mem_cat.
exists (u, check u); last by rewrite /= e.
rewrite mem_filter.
apply/andP; split; first by rewrite e.
split => //.
suff H_suff: f_bot u = f'_bot (val u) by rewrite checkable_bot //= e.
move => Hu.
move/negPn: Hv'.
apply: pimpacted_V'_impactedV'; eauto.
split => //.
exists u; last by [].
by exists u.
- have Hv: v \in freshV' P_bot.
rewrite -sub_freshV'.
move/negP: i => Hp.
apply/negP => Hs.
case: Hp.
have H_sp := (insubP [subType of V] v).
move: Hs.
by destruct H_sp.
exists (v, check' v) => //.
rewrite mem_cat.
split => //; split => //.
move: Hv.
by apply: pimpacted_V'_fresh; eauto.
Lemma check_all_cert_sound_p :
forall (v : V') (r : R), (v,r) \in check_all_cert_p ->
checkable' v /\ check' v = r.
move => v r.
rewrite mem_cat.
move/orP; case.
- move/mapP => [v' Hc].
case =>->->.
split => //.
move: Hc.
rewrite mem_enum in_set.
by move/andP => [Hp Hc].
- move/mapP.
case; case => v' r' Hvr Hvr'.
move: Hvr' Hvr.
case =>->->.
rewrite mem_filter.
move/andP => /= [Hp Hv].
have Hv': val v' \notin impactedV' f'_bot f_bot g_bot.
apply/negP => Hv'.
move/negP: Hp.
by apply: pimpacted_V'_impactedV'; eauto.
have Hf: val v' \notin freshV' P_bot.
apply/negP => Hf.
move/negP: Hp.
by apply: pimpacted_V'_fresh; eauto.
apply: check_all_cert_sound; eauto.
rewrite mem_cat.
exists (v', r'); last by [].
rewrite mem_filter.
apply/andP; split => //.
rewrite /=.
apply/negP => Hi.
move/impactedV'P: Hv'.
by left.
Lemma check_all_cert_V'_uniq_p : uniq check_all_cert_V'_p.
rewrite map_inj_in_uniq.
- rewrite cat_uniq.
split; last (apply/andP; split).
* have Hu := check_pimpacted_V'_cert_uniq f'_top g_top f_top checkable' check' p'.
move: Hu.
exact: map_uniq.
* apply/negP.
move/hasP => [vr Hvr].
move/mapP: Hvr => [vr' Hvr'].
case: vr' Hvr' => v' r'.
rewrite mem_filter.
case: vr => /= v r.
move/andP => [Hv Hvr].
case => Hv'; move =>-> {r}.
move/mapP => [v0 Hv0].
case => Hvv0 Hr'.
rewrite mem_enum -Hvv0 in Hv0.
move/negP: Hv.
rewrite -Hv'.
move: Hv0.
rewrite in_set.
by move/andP => [Hp Hv0].
* have Hm := map_uniq V_result_cert_uniq.
rewrite map_inj_in_uniq; first by rewrite filter_uniq.
case => v1 r1.
case => v2 r2.
rewrite /= => Hv1 Hv2.
by move/val_inj =><-<-.
- case => v1 r1.
case => v2 r2.
rewrite /= 2!mem_cat.
case => Hv1; move/orP.
* case => Hv2 Hv.
+ move: Hv Hv1 Hv2 =><-.
move/mapP => [v1' Hv1' Hc1].
rewrite mem_enum in Hv1'.
case: Hc1 =><- Hr1.
move/mapP => [v2' Hv2' Hc2].
rewrite mem_enum in Hv2'.
case: Hc2 =><- Hr2.
by rewrite Hr1 Hr2.
+ move: Hv Hv1 Hv2 =><-.
move/mapP => [v1' Hv1' Hc1].
case: Hc1 Hv1' =><-.
rewrite mem_enum => Hc.
rewrite in_set.
move/andP => [Hi H'c].
move/mapP => [v' Hv' Heq].
case: v' Hv' Heq => v2' r2'.
rewrite mem_filter.
move/andP => [Hv2' HV].
case => Hv1 Hr2.
rewrite /= in Hv2'.
move/negP: Hv2'.
by rewrite -Hv1.
* case => Hv2 Hv.
+ move: Hv Hv1 Hv2.
move =><-.
move/mapP => [v1' Hv1' Hc1].
case: v1' Hc1 Hv1' => v1' r1'.
case =>->->.
rewrite mem_filter.
move/andP => [Hi H'c].
move/mapP => [v' Hv' Heq].
case: Heq Hv'.
rewrite mem_enum.
move =><-->.
move => Hc.
move/negP: Hi.
rewrite in_set in Hc.
by move/andP: Hc => [Hi Hc].
+ move: Hv1 Hv2.
case; case => v1' r1'.
rewrite mem_filter.
move/andP => [Hi Hv'].
move => H_eq_v H_eq_r.
case; case => v2' r2'.
rewrite mem_filter.
move/andP => [Hi' Hv''].
case => H_eq_v' H_eq_r'.
rewrite Hv in H_eq_v, H_eq_v'.
rewrite H_eq_v in H_eq_v'.
apply val_inj in H_eq_v'.
rewrite -H_eq_v' in Hv''.
rewrite Hv H_eq_r H_eq_r'.
have Hu := uniq_prod_eq V_result_cert_uniq Hv' Hv''.
by rewrite -Hu.
End ChangedHierarchical.