
From mathcomp
Require Import all_ssreflect.

From chip
Require Import extra.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Section Fin.

Variable V : finType.

Section Diconnect.

Variable g : rel V.

Local Notation "x -[]-> y" :=
  (connect g x y) (at level 10, format "x -[]-> y") .

Lemma connect_rev (x y : V) :
  connect g x y -> connect [rel x y | g y x] y x.
move=> /connectP[p Pxp ->].
elim: p x Pxp => // z p IH x /=/andP[xGy /IH sCz].
by apply: connect_trans sCz (connect1 _).

Definition diconnect x y := connect g x y && connect g y x.

Lemma diconnect0 : reflexive diconnect.
Proof. by move=> x; apply/andP. Qed.

Lemma diconnect_sym : symmetric diconnect.
Proof. by move=> x y; apply/andP/andP=> [] []. Qed.

Lemma diconnect_trans : transitive diconnect.
move=> x y z /andP[Cyx Cxy] /andP[Cxz Czx].
by rewrite /diconnect (connect_trans Cyx) ?(connect_trans Czx).

End Diconnect.

Lemma eq_diconnect r1 r2 : r1 =2 r2 -> diconnect r1 =2 diconnect r2.
by move=> r1Er2 x y; rewrite /diconnect !(eq_connect r1Er2).

Section Relto.

Variable g : rel V.

Local Notation "x -[ s ]-> y" :=
  (connect (rel_of_simpl_rel (relto s g)) x y)
  (at level 10, format "x -[ s ]-> y").

Local Notation "x -[]-> y" :=
  (connect g x y) (at level 10, format "x -[]-> y") .

Local Notation "x =[]= y" := (diconnect g x y)
  (at level 10, format "x =[]= y").

Local Notation "x =[ a ]= y" := (diconnect (rel_of_simpl_rel (relto a g)) x y)
  (at level 10, format "x =[ a ]= y").

Lemma connect_to_from a x y :
  x -[a]-> y -> connect (relfrom a [rel x y | g y x]) y x.
move => /connect_rev.
by apply: connect_sub => x1 y1 H; apply: connect1 .

Lemma connect_from_to a x y :
  connect (relfrom a g) x y -> connect (relto a [rel x y | g y x]) y x.
move => /connect_rev.
by apply: connect_sub => x1 y1 H; apply: connect1 .

Lemma connect_to1 (a : pred V) x y : a y -> g x y -> x -[a]-> y.
Proof. by move=> ay Rxy; apply: connect1; rewrite /= [_ \in _]ay. Qed.

Lemma connect_toW a:
  subrel (connect (relto a g)) (connect g).
Proof. by apply: connect_sub => x y /andP[_ H]; apply: connect1. Qed.

Lemma connect_to_sub (a b : pred V) x y :
 a \subset b -> x -[a]-> y -> x -[b]-> y.
move=> /subsetP Hs.
apply/connect_sub => x1 y1 /= /andP[y1Ia x1Ry1].
by apply: connect_to1 (Hs _ _) _.

Lemma diconnect_to_sub (a b : pred V) x y :
  a \subset b -> x =[a]= y -> x =[b]= y.
by move=> Hs /andP[Cxy Cyx]; rewrite /diconnect !(connect_to_sub Hs).

Lemma eq_diconnect_to (a b : pred V) x y : a =1 b -> x =[a]= y = x =[b]= y.
move=> aEb; apply: eq_diconnect=> x1 y1.
by rewrite /= -!topredE /= aEb.

Lemma diconnect_to_predT : diconnect (relto predT g) =2 diconnect g.
Proof. by move=> x y. Qed.

Lemma connect_toT : (connect (relto predT g)) =2 (connect g).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma connect_to_forced (a : pred V) x y :
 (forall z, z != x -> x -[]-> z -> z -[]-> y -> a z) ->
  x -[]-> y -> x -[a]-> y.
move=> Hf /connectP[p {p}/shortenP[p Hp Up _ Hy]].
elim: p {-2 4}x Hy Up Hp (connect0 (relto a g) x) =>
   [z /=-> _ _ Hz| z p IH /= z1 Hy /and3P[H1 H2 H3] /andP[Rxy Pp] Hz1].
  by exists [::].
move: H1; rewrite inE negb_or => /andP[xDz H1].
have Az : a z.
  apply: Hf; first by rewrite eq_sym.
    apply: connect_trans (connect_toW Hz1) (connect1 Rxy).
    by apply/connectP; exists p.
have Raz : x -[a]-> z.
 by apply: connect_trans Hz1 (connect_to1 Az Rxy).
have Uxp : uniq (x :: p) by rewrite /= H1.
have [p1 H1p1 H2p1] := IH _ Hy Uxp Pp Raz.
by exists (z :: p1); rewrite //= [_ \in _]Az Rxy.

Lemma reltoI a b : relto (predI a b) g =2 relto a (relto b g).
Proof. by move=> x y; rewrite /= andbA. Qed.

Lemma connect_to_C1r x y z :
  ~~ z -[]-> y -> x -[]-> y -> x -[predC1 z]-> y.
move=> Hzy Hxy.
apply: connect_to_forced => //= z1 H1 H2 H3.
by apply/eqP=> H4; case/negP: Hzy; rewrite -H4.

Lemma connect_to_C1l x y z :
  ~~ x -[]-> z -> x -[]-> y -> x -[predC1 z]-> y.
move=> Hzy Hxy.
apply: connect_to_forced => //= z1 H1 H2 H3.
by apply/eqP=> H4; case/negP: Hzy; rewrite -H4.

Lemma connect_to_C1_id x y : x -[]-> y = x -[predC1 x]-> y.
apply/idP/idP; last by apply: connect_toW.
case/connectP => p /shortenP[p' Pxp' Uxp' Sxp' Lyxp'].
apply/connectP; exists p' => //=.
rewrite path_to Pxp'; apply/allP=> z zIp' /=.
have /= /andP[H _] := Uxp'.
by apply: contraNneq H => <-.

(* Canonical element in a list : find the first element of l
   that is equivalent to x walking only that satisfies a *)

Definition can_to x a l := nth x l (find (diconnect (relto a g) x) l).

Local Notation "C[ x ]_( a , l ) " := (can_to x a l)
  (at level 9, format "C[ x ]_( a , l )").

Lemma eq_can_to x a b l : a =1 b -> C[x]_(a, l) = C[x]_(b, l).
move=> aEb; rewrite /can_to /=.
congr (nth _ _ _).
apply: eq_find => y.
by apply: eq_diconnect_to.

Lemma mem_can_to x a l : x \in l -> C[x]_(a, l) \in l.
move=> xIp1; rewrite /can_to.
by case: (leqP (size l) (find (diconnect (relto a g) x) l)) => H1;
  [rewrite nth_default | rewrite mem_nth].

Lemma can_to_cons x y a l :
  C[x]_(a, y :: l) = if x =[a]= y then y else C[x]_(a,l).
Proof. by rewrite /can_to /=; case: (boolP (diconnect _ _ _)) => Hr. Qed.

Lemma can_to_cat x a l1 l2 : x \in l1 -> C[x]_(a, l1 ++ l2) = C[x]_(a, l1).
move=> xIl1.
rewrite /can_to find_cat; case: (boolP (has _ _)).
  by rewrite nth_cat has_find => ->.
by move/hasPn/(_ x xIl1); rewrite diconnect0.

Lemma diconnect_can_to x a l : x \in l -> C[x]_(a, l) =[a]= x.
move=> xIl; rewrite diconnect_sym; apply: nth_find.
by apply/hasP; exists x => //; exact: diconnect0.

(* x occurs before y in l *)
Definition before (l : seq V) x y := index x l <= index y l.

Local Notation "x =[ l ]< y" := (before l x y)
  (at level 10, format "x =[ l ]< y").

Lemma before_filter_inv a x y l (l1 := [seq i <- l | a i]) :
  x \in l1 -> y \in l1 -> x =[l1]< y -> x =[l]< y.
rewrite {}/l1 /before; elim: l => //= z l IH.
case E : (a z) => /=.
  rewrite !inE ![_ == z]eq_sym.
  by case: eqP => //= Hx; case: eqP.
move=> xIl yIl; move: (xIl) (yIl).
rewrite !mem_filter.
case: eqP => [<-|_ _]; first by rewrite E.
case: eqP => [<-|_ _]; first by rewrite E.
by apply: IH.

Lemma before_filter x y l a (l1 := [seq i <- l | a i]) :
  x \in l1 -> x =[l]< y -> x =[l1]< y.
rewrite {}/l1 /before; elim: l => //= z l IH.
case E : (a z) => /=.
  rewrite inE eq_sym.
  by case: eqP => //= Hx; case: eqP.
move=> xIl Hi; apply: IH => //.
by case: eqP xIl Hi => [<-| _]; [rewrite mem_filter E | case: eqP].

Lemma leq_index_nth x (l : seq V) i : index (nth x l i) l <= i.
elim: l i => //= y l IH [|i /=]; first by rewrite eqxx.
by case: eqP => // _; apply: IH.

Lemma index_find x (l : seq V) a : has a l -> index (nth x l (find a l)) l = find a l.
move=> Hal.
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq leq_index_nth.
case: leqP => // /(before_find x).
by rewrite nth_index ?nth_find // mem_nth // -has_find.

Lemma before_can_to x y a l :
  x \in l -> y \in l -> x =[a]= y -> C[x]_(a, l) =[l]< y.
move=> Hx Hy; rewrite diconnect_sym => Hr.
have F : has (diconnect (relto a g) x) l.
  by apply/hasP; exists y => //; rewrite diconnect_sym.
rewrite /before /can_to index_find //.
case: leqP => // /(before_find x).
by rewrite nth_index // diconnect_sym Hr.

Lemma before_can_toW x a b l :
  x \in l -> b \subset a -> C[x]_(a, l) =[l]< C[x]_(b, l).
move=> xIl Hs.
have Hs1 : has (diconnect (relto a g) x) l.
  by apply/hasP; exists x => //; exact: diconnect0.
have Hs2 : has (diconnect (relto b g) x) l.
  by apply/hasP; exists x => //; exact: diconnect0.
rewrite /before /can_to !index_find //.
apply: sub_find => z.
by apply: diconnect_to_sub.

End Relto.

Section ConnectRelto.

Variable g : rel V.

Local Notation "x -[ s ]-> y" :=
  (connect (rel_of_simpl_rel (relto s g)) x y)
  (at level 10, format "x -[ s ]-> y").

Local Notation "x -[]-> y" :=
  (connect g x y) (at level 10, format "x -[]-> y") .

Local Notation "x =[]= y" := (diconnect g x y)
  (at level 10, format "x =[]= y").

Local Notation "x =[ a ]= y" := (diconnect (rel_of_simpl_rel (relto a g)) x y)
  (at level 10, format "x =[ a ]= y").

Local Notation "C[ x ]_( a , l )" := (can_to g x a l)
  (at level 9, format "C[ x ]_( a , l )").

Local Notation "x =[ l ]< y" := (before l x y)
  (at level 10, format "x =[ l ]< y").

(* The list l is topogically sorted with respect to a if
      all elements of l respects a
      the list is closed under connection with respect to a
      canonical elements are before their connected elements 

Definition tsorted (a : pred V) (l : seq V) :=
 [/\ l \subset a,
     forall x y, x \in l -> x -[a]-> y -> y \in l &
     forall x y, x \in l -> x -[a]-> y -> C[x]_(a, l) =[l]< y

Local Notation " TS[ a , l ]" := (tsorted a l)
  (at level 10, format "TS[ a , l ]").
Local Notation "TS[ l ] " := (tsorted predT l)
  (at level 10, format "TS[ l ]").

Lemma tsortedE a l :
 l \subset a ->
 (forall x y, x \in l -> x -[a]-> y -> y \in l /\ C[x]_(a, l) =[l]< y) ->
 TS[a, l].
by move=> lSa HR; split => // x y xIl xCy; have [] := HR _ _ xIl xCy.

Lemma eq_tsorted a b l : a =1 b -> TS[a, l] -> TS[b , l].
move=> aEb [/= lSa Ca Ba].
have aE2b : relto a g =2 relto b g by move=> x y; rewrite /= -topredE /= aEb.
split => /= [|x y xIl xCy|x y xIl xCy].
- apply: subset_trans lSa _.
  by apply/subsetP=> i; rewrite -!topredE /= aEb.
- by apply: Ca xIl _; rewrite (eq_connect aE2b).
rewrite -(eq_can_to _ _ _ aEb).
by apply: Ba xIl _; rewrite (eq_connect aE2b).

Lemma tsorted_nil a : TS[a, [::]].
Proof. by split=> //; apply/subsetP => x. Qed.

(* Removing the equivalent element on top preserves the sorting *)
Lemma tsorted_inv x a l :
  TS[a, x :: l] -> TS[a, [seq y <- x :: l | ~~ x =[a]= y]].
move=> [xlSa CR BR]; split => [|y z|y z].
- rewrite /= diconnect0 /=.
  apply/(subset_trans _ xlSa)/subsetP=> z /=.
  by rewrite !inE orbC mem_filter => /andP[_ ->].
- rewrite !mem_filter => /andP[xNDy yIxl] yCz.
  apply/andP; split; last by apply: CR yCz.
  apply: contra xNDy => xDz.
  have : C[y]_(a, x :: l) =[x :: l]< x.
    apply: BR yIxl (connect_trans yCz _).
    by case/andP: xDz.
  rewrite /before index_head /=; case: eqP => // -> _.
  by apply: diconnect_can_to.
rewrite !mem_filter => /andP[xNDy yIxl] yCz.
have ->: C[y]_(a, [seq i <- x :: l | ~~ x =[a]= i]) = C[y]_(a, x :: l).
  elim: (x :: l) => //= t l1 IH.
  case : (boolP (_ =[_]= _)) => Ext /=; last first.
    by rewrite /can_to /=; case : (boolP (_ =[_]= _)).
  rewrite IH /can_to /=.
  case : (boolP (_ =[_]= _)) => Eyt //=.
  by case/negP: xNDy; apply: diconnect_trans Ext _; rewrite diconnect_sym.
apply: before_filter; last by apply: BR.
rewrite mem_filter mem_can_to // ?andbT.
apply: contra xNDy => xDc.
by apply: diconnect_trans xDc (diconnect_can_to _ _ _).

(* Computing the connected elements for the reversed graph gives
   the equivalent class of the top element of a tologically sorted list *)

Lemma tsorted_diconnect x y a l :
  TS[a, x :: l] -> x =[a]= y = (y \in x :: l) && y -[a]-> x.
move=> [_ CR BR].
apply/idP/idP=> [/andP[Cxy Cyx]|/andP[yIxl Cyx]].
  by rewrite (CR x y) // inE eqxx.
have F := diconnect_can_to _ _ yIxl.
have := BR y x yIxl Cyx.
by rewrite /before /= eqxx; case: eqP => //->.

(* Computing topological sort by concatenation *)
Lemma tsorted_cat a l1 l2 :
  TS[a, l1] -> TS[[predD a & [pred x in l1]], l2] -> TS[a, l2 ++ l1].
set b := [predD _ & _].
move=> [l1Sa Cl1 Bl1] [l2Sb Cl2] Bl2.
apply: tsortedE => [|x y].
  apply/subsetP => z.
  rewrite mem_cat => /orP[/(subsetP l2Sb)|/(subsetP l1Sa) //].
  by rewrite inE => /andP[].
have [xIl2 _ Hc|xNIl2] := boolP (x \in l2); last first.
  rewrite mem_cat (negPf xNIl2) /= => xIl1 Cxy.
  have yIl1 := Cl1 _ _ xIl1 Cxy.
  have xBy := Bl1 _ _ xIl1 Cxy.
  split; first by rewrite mem_cat yIl1 orbT.
  rewrite /before [index y _]index_cat.
  have [yIl2|yNil2] := boolP (y \in l2).
    have/subsetP/(_ y yIl2)/= := l2Sb.
    by rewrite !inE /= yIl1.
  rewrite index_cat; have [rIl2| rNIl2] := boolP (_ \in l2).
    by apply: leq_trans (index_size _ _) (leq_addr _ _).
  rewrite leq_add2l.
  move: rNIl2; rewrite /can_to find_cat.
  have [HH|HH] := boolP (has _ _).
    by rewrite nth_cat -has_find HH mem_nth // -has_find.
  rewrite nth_cat ltnNge leq_addr /= => _.
  by rewrite addnC addnK.
have [/forallP F|] :=
     boolP [forall z, [&& z != x, x -[a]-> z & z -[a]-> y] ==>
                   (z \notin l1)].
  have xCy : x -[b]-> y.
    have /eq_connect-> :
      relto [predD a & [pred x in l1]] g =2
      relto [predC [pred x in l1]] (relto a g).
      by move=> x1 y1; rewrite /= !inE !andbA.
    apply: connect_to_forced => // z zDx xCz zCy.
    rewrite !inE /=.
    have /implyP->// := F z.
    by rewrite zDx xCz.
  have yIl2 := Cl2 _ _ xIl2 xCy.
  have xBy := Bl2 _ _ xIl2 xCy.
  split; first by rewrite mem_cat yIl2.
  rewrite /before [index y _]index_cat yIl2.
  apply: leq_trans xBy.
  rewrite can_to_cat // index_cat mem_can_to //.
  apply: before_can_toW=> //; apply/subsetP=> i.
  by rewrite !inE => /andP[].
rewrite negb_forall => /existsP[z].
rewrite negb_imply -!andbA negbK => /and4P[zDx xCz zCy zIl1].
have yIl1 := Cl1 _ _ zIl1 zCy.
have zBy := Bl1 _ _ zIl1 zCy.
split; first by rewrite mem_cat yIl1 orbT.
rewrite /before [index y _]index_cat.
have [yIl2|_] := boolP (_ \in _).
  have/subsetP/(_ y yIl2)/= := l2Sb.
  by rewrite !inE yIl1.
rewrite index_cat.
have [_|/negP[]] := boolP (_ \in _).
  by apply: leq_trans (index_size _ _) (leq_addr _ _).
rewrite /can_to; elim: (l2) xIl2 => //= a1 l IH.
rewrite inE => /orP[/eqP->|/IH]; first by rewrite diconnect0 inE eqxx.
case: (_ =[_]= _) => //=; first by rewrite inE eqxx.
by rewrite inE orbC => ->.

(* Elements that are notin l do not matter *)
Lemma tsorted_setU1_l x a l (b : pred V := [predD1 a & x]) :
   x \notin l -> TS[a, l] -> TS[b, l].
move=> xNIl [lSa Cl Bl]; apply: tsortedE => /= [|t z tIl tCz].
  apply/subsetP=> i; rewrite !inE.
  by case: eqP => //= [-> /(negP xNIl)//|_ /(subsetP lSa)].
have tC'z : t -[a]-> z.
  apply: connect_to_sub tCz.
  by apply/subsetP => i /andP[].
have zIl := Cl _ _ tIl tC'z.
have tBz := Bl _ _ tIl tC'z.
split => //; suff->: C[t]_(b, l) = C[t]_(a, l) by [].
congr nth; apply: eq_in_find => y /= yIl.
have [xIa|xNIa] := boolP (x \in a); last first.
  apply: eq_diconnect_to => x1.
  by rewrite /b /=; case: eqP=> // ->; rewrite [a _](negPf xNIa).
apply/idP/idP => /=.
  apply/diconnect_to_sub/subsetP=> u.
  by rewrite !inE => /andP[].
case/andP=> tCy Cyt.
have /eq_diconnect-> : relto b g =2 relto (predC1 x) (relto a g).
  by move=> x1 y1; rewrite /b /= !inE !andbA.
by apply/andP; split; apply: connect_to_C1l => //;
   apply: contra xNIl=> /Cl->.

(* Computing topologically sorted list by adding a top element *)
Lemma tsorted_cons_r x a l (b : pred V := [predD1 a & x]) :
 (forall y, y \in l -> x -[a]-> y) ->
 (forall y, g x y -> a y -> y != x -> y \in l) ->
  a x -> TS[b, l] -> TS[a, x :: l].
move=> AxC AyIl Ax [/= lSb Cl Bl]; apply: tsortedE => [|y z] /=.
  apply/subsetP=> y; rewrite inE => /orP[/eqP->//|/(subsetP lSb)].
  by rewrite inE=> /andP[].
have F t : t != x -> x -[b]-> t -> t \in l.
  move=> tDx /connectP[[_ /eqP|v p]] /=; first by rewrite (negPf tDx).
  rewrite -!andbA /= => /and4P[vDx vIa xRv Pbrvp tLvp].
  have/Cl->// : v \in l.
    by apply: AyIl => //; rewrite inE.
  by apply/connectP; exists p.
rewrite inE.
have Hr : relto b g =2 (relto (predC1 x) (relto a g)).
  by move=> x1 y1; rewrite /= !inE !andbA.
have [/eqP-> /= _ xCz|yDx /= yIl yCz] := boolP (y == x).
  split; last by rewrite /before /= can_to_cons diconnect0 eqxx.
  have [/eqP<-|zDx] := boolP (z == x); first by rewrite !inE eqxx.
  rewrite inE (F z) ?orbT // 1?eq_sym // (eq_connect Hr).
  by rewrite -connect_to_C1_id.
have [yCz'|yNCz'] := boolP (y -[b]-> z).
  have zIxs := Cl _ _ yIl yCz'.
  have yBz := Bl _ _ yIl yCz'.
  split; first by rewrite inE zIxs orbT.
  have [/eqP xEz|xDz] := boolP (x == z).
    rewrite can_to_cons.
    suff->: y =[a]= x by rewrite /before /= eqxx.
    rewrite /diconnect {1}xEz yCz /=.
    by apply: AxC.
  rewrite can_to_cons; case: (_ =[_]= _); first by rewrite /before /= eqxx.
  rewrite /before /= (negPf xDz); case: eqP => //= _.
  rewrite ltnS.
  apply: leq_trans yBz => /=.
  apply: before_can_toW => //; apply/subsetP=> i.
  by rewrite inE => /andP[].
have [yCx|yNCx] := boolP (y -[a]-> x); last first.
  case/negP: yNCz'.
  by rewrite (eq_connect Hr); apply: connect_to_C1l.
have [xCz| xNCz] := boolP (x -[a]-> z); last first.
  case/negP: yNCz'.
  by rewrite (eq_connect Hr); apply: connect_to_C1r.
  rewrite inE.
  have [//|zDx/=] := boolP (z == x).
  apply: F => //.
  by rewrite (eq_connect Hr) -connect_to_C1_id.
rewrite /before can_to_cons.
suff->: y =[a]= x; first by rewrite /before /= eqxx.
rewrite /diconnect yCx /=.
by apply: AxC.

Lemma connect_to_rev l a b x y :
     {subset b <= a} ->
     (forall z, (z \in b) = (z \in x :: l)) ->
     TS[a, x :: l] ->
     ((y \in x :: l) && y -[a]-> x) = (connect (relto b [rel x y | g y x]) x y).
move=> /subsetP HS HD HW.
have xIxl : x \in x :: l by rewrite inE eqxx.
case: (x =P y) => [<-|/eqP xDy]; first by rewrite xIxl !connect0.
have [yIxl/=|yNIxl/=] := boolP (y \in _); last first.
  apply/sym_equal/idP/negP; apply: contra yNIxl => /connectP[[/= _ ->//|z p]].
  rewrite path_to /= => /and3P[_ zB /allP ApB ->].
  have := mem_last z p.
  by rewrite -HD inE => /orP[/eqP->//|/ApB].
have [yCx|yNCx] := boolP (y -[_]-> x); last first.
apply/sym_equal/idP/negP; apply: contra yNCx => xCy.
have /connectP[p Hp Hy] := connect_to_from xCy.
  apply/connectP; exists p => //.
  move: Hp; rewrite /= path_from path_to => /andP[->].
  case: p Hy => // z p1.
  rewrite {3}lastI /= all_rcons => <- /= /andP[_ /allP Ap].
  rewrite [a x](subsetP HS) ?HD //.
  by apply/allP=> i /Ap iB; rewrite [a _](subsetP HS).
have /connect_to_from/connectP[p Hp Hy] : y -[b]-> x.
  rewrite (eq_connect (_ : _ =2 (relto b (relto a g)))); last first.
    move=> x1 y1 /=.
    by case: (boolP (_ \in b)) => // /(subsetP HS)->.
  apply: connect_to_forced => // z zDy yCz zCx.
  rewrite [b _]HD.
  by have [_ /(_ y z yIxl yCz)] := HW.
apply/connectP; exists p => //.
move: Hp; rewrite /= path_from path_to => /andP[->].
case: p Hy => // z p1.
rewrite {3}lastI /= /= all_rcons => <- /= /andP[_ Ap].
by rewrite [b _]HD yIxl.

End ConnectRelto.

Section Sub.

Variable P : pred V.

Local Notation I := (sig_finType P).

Variable g : rel V.

Local Notation gsub := [rel x y : I | g (val x) (val y)].

Lemma gsub_path : forall p v,
 path gsub v p ->
 path g (val v) [seq val x | x <- p].
elim => //.
move => v0 p IH v.
move/andP => [Hg Hp].
split => //.
exact: IH.

Lemma gsub_connect : forall (v v' : I),
 connect gsub v v' ->
 connect g (val v) (val v').
move => v v'.
move/connectP => [p Hp] Hl.
exists (map val p); first by apply: gsub_path.
by rewrite Hl last_map.

End Sub.

End Fin.