From mathcomp
Require Import all_ssreflect.
From chip
Require Import connect.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Section Cycles.
Variable V : finType.
Variable g : rel V.
Lemma self_loop_cycle : forall x, g x x -> cycle g [:: x].
move => x H_in.
rewrite /cycle /=.
by apply/andP.
Lemma diconnect_path_cycle :
forall x y, x != y -> diconnect g x y -> exists p, cycle g (x :: p).
move => x y H_neq /andP /= [H_x H_y].
move/connectP: H_x; case => px H_px H_pl.
move/connectP: H_y; case => py H_py H_pl'.
case: py H_py H_pl' => /=; first by move => H_py H_eq; rewrite H_eq in H_neq; move/negP: H_neq.
move => y' py' /andP [H_in H_py'] H_x.
exists (px ++ belast y' py').
rewrite rcons_cat /= {2}H_x -lastI cat_path -H_pl /=.
apply/andP; split => //.
by apply/andP.
Lemma cycle_path_diconnect :
forall x p, cycle g (x :: p) ->
x \in g x \/ (exists y, diconnect g x y /\ x != y).
move => x p.
move: x.
rewrite /=.
case: p => //=.
- move => x /andP [H_p ?].
by left.
- move => y p x.
case H_eq: (x == y).
* move/eqP: H_eq => H_eq.
rewrite H_eq.
move/andP => [H_in H_p].
by left.
* move/negP: H_eq => H_eq.
move/andP => [H_in H_p].
exists y; split; last by apply/negP.
split; first by apply/connectP; exists [:: y]; first by rewrite /=; apply/andP.
exists (rcons p x); first by [].
by rewrite last_rcons.
End Cycles.
Section Acyclic.
Variable V : finType.
Variable g : rel V.
Definition acyclic := forall x p, path g x p -> ~~ cycle g (x :: p).
Hypothesis g_acyclic: acyclic.
Lemma acyclic_no_self_loop : forall x, ~~ g x x.
move => x.
case => Hg.
move/g_acyclic: (self_loop_cycle Hg).
move/negP; case => /=.
by apply/and3P; split.
Lemma acyclic_diconnect : forall x y, diconnect g x y -> x = y.
move => x y Hd.
case Hx: (x == y); first by apply/eqP.
move/negP/negP: Hx => Hx.
have [p Hc] := diconnect_path_cycle Hx Hd.
have Hp: path g x p by move: Hc; rewrite /= rcons_path; move/andP => [Hp Ha].
by move/negP: (g_acyclic Hp); case.
End Acyclic.
Section AcyclicSub.
Variable V : finType.
Variable g : rel V.
Hypothesis g_acyclic : acyclic g.
Variable P : pred V.
Local Notation I := (sig_finType P).
Local Notation gsub := [rel x y : I | g (val x) (val y)].
Lemma gsub_acyclic : acyclic gsub.
move => x p.
move/g_acyclic => Hc.
rewrite /= rcons_path.
apply/negP => Hc'.
move/andP: Hc' => [Hp Hg].
move/negP: Hc.
rewrite /= rcons_path.
split; first by apply/gsub_path.
rewrite /= in Hg.
by rewrite last_map.
End AcyclicSub.
Section AcyclicRev.
Variable V : finType.
Variable g : rel V.
Hypothesis g_acyclic : acyclic g.
Local Notation grev := [rel x y | g y x].
Lemma acyclic_rev : acyclic grev.
move => x p Hp.
apply/negP => H_c; move: H_c.
- move => H_in.
have Hg: g x x by [].
move/self_loop_cycle: Hg => Hg.
contradict Hg.
exact: g_acyclic.
- move => [y [Hd Hn]].
have H_rev: g =2 [rel x y | grev y x] by [].
have Hd': diconnect g x y.
have Heq := eq_diconnect H_rev.
rewrite Heq.
move/andP: Hd => [Hc1 Hc2].
by split; apply connect_rev.
have Hc := diconnect_path_cycle _ Hd'.
have [p' Hc'] := Hc Hn.
have Hp': path g x p'.
rewrite /= in Hc'.
rewrite rcons_path in Hc'.
by move/andP:Hc' => [Hp' Hgl].
contradict Hc'.
exact: g_acyclic.
End AcyclicRev.
Section Acyclicity.
Variable V : finType.
Variable sccs : rel V -> seq (seq V).
Variable g : rel V.
Hypothesis uniq_flatten : uniq (flatten (sccs g)).
Hypothesis all_in_flatten : forall v : V, v \in (flatten (sccs g)).
Hypothesis class_diconnected :
forall c, c \in sccs g ->
exists x, forall y, (y \in c) = diconnect g x y.
Lemma in_flatten (A : seq (seq V)) s :
s \in A ->
subseq s (flatten A).
elim: A => //=.
move => vs c IH H_in.
have H_or: s = vs \/ s \in c.
move/orP: H_in.
case; first by move/eqP; left.
by right.
case: H_or => H_in'.
by rewrite H_in' prefix_subseq.
have IH' := IH H_in'.
have ->: s = [::] ++ s by [].
by apply cat_subseq; first exact: sub0seq.
Lemma non_singleton_neq : forall v v' vs,
[:: v, v' & vs] \in sccs g ->
v != v'.
move => v v' vs H_ks.
move/eqP => H_eq.
rewrite -H_eq {H_eq} in H_ks.
have H_fl := uniq_flatten.
apply in_flatten in H_ks.
apply subseq_uniq in H_ks => //.
rewrite /= in H_ks.
move/andP: H_ks.
rewrite inE.
move => [H_n H_u].
move/negP: H_n => H_n.
case: H_n.
by apply/orP; left.
Lemma non_singleton_cycle : forall v v' vs,
[:: v, v' & vs] \in sccs g ->
exists x p, cycle g (x :: p).
move => v v' vs H_ks.
have H_c := class_diconnected H_ks.
rewrite /class_diconnected /= in H_c.
move: H_c => /= [x H_y].
have H_v := H_y v.
have H_v' := H_y v'.
have H_neq := non_singleton_neq H_ks.
have H_in_v: v \in [:: v, v' & vs] by rewrite inE; apply/orP; left.
have H_in_v': v' \in [:: v, v' & vs] by rewrite inE; apply/orP; right; apply/orP; left.
rewrite H_v {H_v} in H_in_v.
rewrite H_v' {H_v'} in H_in_v'.
rewrite /diconnect in H_in_v H_in_v'.
move/andP: H_in_v => [H_cn_v H_cn'_v].
move/connectP: H_cn_v => [pv H_pv] H_vl.
move/connectP: H_cn'_v => [p'v H_p'v] H_vl'.
move/andP: H_in_v' => [H_cn_v' H_cn'_v'].
move/connectP: H_cn_v' => [pv' H_pv'] H_v'l.
move/connectP: H_cn'_v' => [p'v' H_p'v'] H_v'l'.
have H_pvv': connect g v v'.
exists (p'v ++ pv'); last by rewrite last_cat -H_vl'.
rewrite cat_path.
rewrite -H_vl'.
by apply/andP.
have H_p'vv': connect g v' v.
exists (p'v' ++ pv); last by rewrite last_cat -H_v'l'.
rewrite cat_path.
rewrite -H_v'l'.
by apply/andP.
have H_di: diconnect g v v'.
rewrite /diconnect.
by apply/andP.
have [p H_p] := diconnect_path_cycle H_neq H_di.
by exists v, p.
Lemma all_in_sccs :
forall v, exists vs, vs \in sccs g /\ v \in vs.
move => v.
have H_all := all_in_flatten v.
move/flattenP: H_all => [vs [H_vs H_in]].
by exists vs.
Lemma diconnect_neq_sccs :
forall x y, diconnect g x y -> x != y ->
exists v v' vs, [:: v, v' & vs] \in sccs g.
move => x y H_y H_neq.
have [vs [H_vs H_in]] := all_in_sccs x.
have [x' H_c] := class_diconnected H_vs.
have H_eq: x \in vs by [].
have H_c' := H_c x.
rewrite H_c' in H_eq.
have H_di: diconnect g x' y.
move/andP: H_eq => [H_x'x H_xx'].
move/andP: H_y => [H_xy H_yx].
apply/andP; split.
- move: H_x'x H_xy.
exact: connect_trans.
- move: H_yx H_xx'.
exact: connect_trans.
rewrite -H_c in H_di.
move {H_y H_c H_c' H_eq}.
case: vs H_in H_di H_vs => //.
move => v.
- rewrite 2!inE.
move/eqP => H_xv.
rewrite -H_xv.
move/eqP => H_yx.
move/negP: H_neq => H_neq.
case: H_neq.
by apply/eqP.
- move => v' vs H_x H_y.
by exists v, v', vs.
Definition class_acyclic (c : seq V) :=
match c with
| [::] => true
| [:: v] => ~~ g v v
| [:: _, _ & _] => false
Definition sccs_acyclic :=
all [pred c | class_acyclic c] (sccs g).
Lemma sccs_acyclicP :
reflect (acyclic g) sccs_acyclic.
apply: (iffP idP).
- move/allP => /=.
move => H_in_ac v p H_p.
apply/negP => H_ce.
apply cycle_path_diconnect in H_ce.
case: H_ce => H_ce.
* have [vs [H_vs H_v]] := all_in_sccs v.
move: H_vs H_v.
case: vs => //=.
move => v'.
case => //=.
rewrite inE => H_in.
move/eqP => H_eq.
by rewrite H_eq in H_ce.
* move: H_ce => [y [H_d H_neq]].
have [v0 [v1 [vs H_ks]]] := diconnect_neq_sccs H_d H_neq.
by move/H_in_ac: H_ks.
- move => H_gc.
case => //= v.
case => //=.
* move => H_in.
move => H_in'.
have H_ce: cycle g [:: v] by apply/andP.
contradict H_ce.
exact: H_gc.
* move => v' vs.
move => [x [p H_ce]].
have H_ce' := H_ce.
rewrite /= in H_ce'.
rewrite rcons_path in H_ce'.
move/andP: H_ce' => [H_p H_l].
contradict H_ce.
exact: H_gc.
End Acyclicity.
Require Import all_ssreflect.
From chip
Require Import connect.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Section Cycles.
Variable V : finType.
Variable g : rel V.
Lemma self_loop_cycle : forall x, g x x -> cycle g [:: x].
move => x H_in.
rewrite /cycle /=.
by apply/andP.
Lemma diconnect_path_cycle :
forall x y, x != y -> diconnect g x y -> exists p, cycle g (x :: p).
move => x y H_neq /andP /= [H_x H_y].
move/connectP: H_x; case => px H_px H_pl.
move/connectP: H_y; case => py H_py H_pl'.
case: py H_py H_pl' => /=; first by move => H_py H_eq; rewrite H_eq in H_neq; move/negP: H_neq.
move => y' py' /andP [H_in H_py'] H_x.
exists (px ++ belast y' py').
rewrite rcons_cat /= {2}H_x -lastI cat_path -H_pl /=.
apply/andP; split => //.
by apply/andP.
Lemma cycle_path_diconnect :
forall x p, cycle g (x :: p) ->
x \in g x \/ (exists y, diconnect g x y /\ x != y).
move => x p.
move: x.
rewrite /=.
case: p => //=.
- move => x /andP [H_p ?].
by left.
- move => y p x.
case H_eq: (x == y).
* move/eqP: H_eq => H_eq.
rewrite H_eq.
move/andP => [H_in H_p].
by left.
* move/negP: H_eq => H_eq.
move/andP => [H_in H_p].
exists y; split; last by apply/negP.
split; first by apply/connectP; exists [:: y]; first by rewrite /=; apply/andP.
exists (rcons p x); first by [].
by rewrite last_rcons.
End Cycles.
Section Acyclic.
Variable V : finType.
Variable g : rel V.
Definition acyclic := forall x p, path g x p -> ~~ cycle g (x :: p).
Hypothesis g_acyclic: acyclic.
Lemma acyclic_no_self_loop : forall x, ~~ g x x.
move => x.
case => Hg.
move/g_acyclic: (self_loop_cycle Hg).
move/negP; case => /=.
by apply/and3P; split.
Lemma acyclic_diconnect : forall x y, diconnect g x y -> x = y.
move => x y Hd.
case Hx: (x == y); first by apply/eqP.
move/negP/negP: Hx => Hx.
have [p Hc] := diconnect_path_cycle Hx Hd.
have Hp: path g x p by move: Hc; rewrite /= rcons_path; move/andP => [Hp Ha].
by move/negP: (g_acyclic Hp); case.
End Acyclic.
Section AcyclicSub.
Variable V : finType.
Variable g : rel V.
Hypothesis g_acyclic : acyclic g.
Variable P : pred V.
Local Notation I := (sig_finType P).
Local Notation gsub := [rel x y : I | g (val x) (val y)].
Lemma gsub_acyclic : acyclic gsub.
move => x p.
move/g_acyclic => Hc.
rewrite /= rcons_path.
apply/negP => Hc'.
move/andP: Hc' => [Hp Hg].
move/negP: Hc.
rewrite /= rcons_path.
split; first by apply/gsub_path.
rewrite /= in Hg.
by rewrite last_map.
End AcyclicSub.
Section AcyclicRev.
Variable V : finType.
Variable g : rel V.
Hypothesis g_acyclic : acyclic g.
Local Notation grev := [rel x y | g y x].
Lemma acyclic_rev : acyclic grev.
move => x p Hp.
apply/negP => H_c; move: H_c.
- move => H_in.
have Hg: g x x by [].
move/self_loop_cycle: Hg => Hg.
contradict Hg.
exact: g_acyclic.
- move => [y [Hd Hn]].
have H_rev: g =2 [rel x y | grev y x] by [].
have Hd': diconnect g x y.
have Heq := eq_diconnect H_rev.
rewrite Heq.
move/andP: Hd => [Hc1 Hc2].
by split; apply connect_rev.
have Hc := diconnect_path_cycle _ Hd'.
have [p' Hc'] := Hc Hn.
have Hp': path g x p'.
rewrite /= in Hc'.
rewrite rcons_path in Hc'.
by move/andP:Hc' => [Hp' Hgl].
contradict Hc'.
exact: g_acyclic.
End AcyclicRev.
Section Acyclicity.
Variable V : finType.
Variable sccs : rel V -> seq (seq V).
Variable g : rel V.
Hypothesis uniq_flatten : uniq (flatten (sccs g)).
Hypothesis all_in_flatten : forall v : V, v \in (flatten (sccs g)).
Hypothesis class_diconnected :
forall c, c \in sccs g ->
exists x, forall y, (y \in c) = diconnect g x y.
Lemma in_flatten (A : seq (seq V)) s :
s \in A ->
subseq s (flatten A).
elim: A => //=.
move => vs c IH H_in.
have H_or: s = vs \/ s \in c.
move/orP: H_in.
case; first by move/eqP; left.
by right.
case: H_or => H_in'.
by rewrite H_in' prefix_subseq.
have IH' := IH H_in'.
have ->: s = [::] ++ s by [].
by apply cat_subseq; first exact: sub0seq.
Lemma non_singleton_neq : forall v v' vs,
[:: v, v' & vs] \in sccs g ->
v != v'.
move => v v' vs H_ks.
move/eqP => H_eq.
rewrite -H_eq {H_eq} in H_ks.
have H_fl := uniq_flatten.
apply in_flatten in H_ks.
apply subseq_uniq in H_ks => //.
rewrite /= in H_ks.
move/andP: H_ks.
rewrite inE.
move => [H_n H_u].
move/negP: H_n => H_n.
case: H_n.
by apply/orP; left.
Lemma non_singleton_cycle : forall v v' vs,
[:: v, v' & vs] \in sccs g ->
exists x p, cycle g (x :: p).
move => v v' vs H_ks.
have H_c := class_diconnected H_ks.
rewrite /class_diconnected /= in H_c.
move: H_c => /= [x H_y].
have H_v := H_y v.
have H_v' := H_y v'.
have H_neq := non_singleton_neq H_ks.
have H_in_v: v \in [:: v, v' & vs] by rewrite inE; apply/orP; left.
have H_in_v': v' \in [:: v, v' & vs] by rewrite inE; apply/orP; right; apply/orP; left.
rewrite H_v {H_v} in H_in_v.
rewrite H_v' {H_v'} in H_in_v'.
rewrite /diconnect in H_in_v H_in_v'.
move/andP: H_in_v => [H_cn_v H_cn'_v].
move/connectP: H_cn_v => [pv H_pv] H_vl.
move/connectP: H_cn'_v => [p'v H_p'v] H_vl'.
move/andP: H_in_v' => [H_cn_v' H_cn'_v'].
move/connectP: H_cn_v' => [pv' H_pv'] H_v'l.
move/connectP: H_cn'_v' => [p'v' H_p'v'] H_v'l'.
have H_pvv': connect g v v'.
exists (p'v ++ pv'); last by rewrite last_cat -H_vl'.
rewrite cat_path.
rewrite -H_vl'.
by apply/andP.
have H_p'vv': connect g v' v.
exists (p'v' ++ pv); last by rewrite last_cat -H_v'l'.
rewrite cat_path.
rewrite -H_v'l'.
by apply/andP.
have H_di: diconnect g v v'.
rewrite /diconnect.
by apply/andP.
have [p H_p] := diconnect_path_cycle H_neq H_di.
by exists v, p.
Lemma all_in_sccs :
forall v, exists vs, vs \in sccs g /\ v \in vs.
move => v.
have H_all := all_in_flatten v.
move/flattenP: H_all => [vs [H_vs H_in]].
by exists vs.
Lemma diconnect_neq_sccs :
forall x y, diconnect g x y -> x != y ->
exists v v' vs, [:: v, v' & vs] \in sccs g.
move => x y H_y H_neq.
have [vs [H_vs H_in]] := all_in_sccs x.
have [x' H_c] := class_diconnected H_vs.
have H_eq: x \in vs by [].
have H_c' := H_c x.
rewrite H_c' in H_eq.
have H_di: diconnect g x' y.
move/andP: H_eq => [H_x'x H_xx'].
move/andP: H_y => [H_xy H_yx].
apply/andP; split.
- move: H_x'x H_xy.
exact: connect_trans.
- move: H_yx H_xx'.
exact: connect_trans.
rewrite -H_c in H_di.
move {H_y H_c H_c' H_eq}.
case: vs H_in H_di H_vs => //.
move => v.
- rewrite 2!inE.
move/eqP => H_xv.
rewrite -H_xv.
move/eqP => H_yx.
move/negP: H_neq => H_neq.
case: H_neq.
by apply/eqP.
- move => v' vs H_x H_y.
by exists v, v', vs.
Definition class_acyclic (c : seq V) :=
match c with
| [::] => true
| [:: v] => ~~ g v v
| [:: _, _ & _] => false
Definition sccs_acyclic :=
all [pred c | class_acyclic c] (sccs g).
Lemma sccs_acyclicP :
reflect (acyclic g) sccs_acyclic.
apply: (iffP idP).
- move/allP => /=.
move => H_in_ac v p H_p.
apply/negP => H_ce.
apply cycle_path_diconnect in H_ce.
case: H_ce => H_ce.
* have [vs [H_vs H_v]] := all_in_sccs v.
move: H_vs H_v.
case: vs => //=.
move => v'.
case => //=.
rewrite inE => H_in.
move/eqP => H_eq.
by rewrite H_eq in H_ce.
* move: H_ce => [y [H_d H_neq]].
have [v0 [v1 [vs H_ks]]] := diconnect_neq_sccs H_d H_neq.
by move/H_in_ac: H_ks.
- move => H_gc.
case => //= v.
case => //=.
* move => H_in.
move => H_in'.
have H_ce: cycle g [:: v] by apply/andP.
contradict H_ce.
exact: H_gc.
* move => v' vs.
move => [x [p H_ce]].
have H_ce' := H_ce.
rewrite /= in H_ce'.
rewrite rcons_path in H_ce'.
move/andP: H_ce' => [H_p H_l].
contradict H_ce.
exact: H_gc.
End Acyclicity.